Friday, September 28, 2007

Finally resolved "unknown certificate"

Added both the certificates to ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/DummyServerKeyFile.jks

Added both the certificates to ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/DummyServerTrustFile.jks

Added both the certificates to ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/java/jre/lib/security/cacerts ??

Example command
/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/bin/keytool -import -file -keystore -alias server.com01 –trustcacerts

If I add the certificate elsewhere need some more configuration in WAS.

Why it should be so hard?

Here are my series of thoughts on things that could have been simpler!

- Why it should be so hard to print request and response soap xml in WebSphere Application Server 5.x?

- Why it should be so hard to deploy one damn code change in WAS? It reminds me of COBOL days, flipping floopy-disks for compiling programs and waiting for 'minutes' to test a change.

- Don't send remainders to those who already did the job (timesheet submission or whatever).

- use urn: instead of http:// for name spaces.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Smartest SOA - Just do it.

Yes. The smartest implementations of SOA should - Just do it.

It's inevitable next-step in IT. Whether a company likes it or not, if their architecture is not SOA in this year, it will deemed to be outdated and still lurking in past. As a consultant I would not rate high an organization that hasn't started implementing SOA already.

Like it or not, the first steps in SOA implementation is all about web services. In most of the Fotune 500 and like-minded but not-so-fortune companies, should have started exposing webservices to one-another.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Sept 18th - ImmigrationVoice Rally in D.C

To highlight the long-delays in getting permanent residency - legal immigrants, members of IV (ImmigrationVoice) have planned to conduct a rally in D.C and address few major bottlenecks in the Employment-based immigration process.

The rally will take place with more than thousand immigrants walking down the streets with banners and the usual stuff you can imagine in a peaceful rally.

For more information -